Tuesday, March 29, 2011

quote #76 & why it is important to me

"I was visiting the kindergarten that day and I saw two little six-year-olds playing in the courtyard during the recreation period. They where running and jumping around, pretending they were gymnasts. Then the bell rang, and they ran into the school with all the other little girls and I lost them. I know I would never leave that school until I found those two little girls. I went into each class of that kindergarten looking for them. I went through twice without seeing them. The third time around I asked each class 'who loves gymnastics?' In each class a few of the little girls would raise their hands. But in one class two of them sprang up and shouted, 'We do! We do!' and I had found them. One was Nadia Comaneci. The other one is now a very promising ballerina."
-Bella Karolyi

Okay so Today I was in the Library researching Nadia Comaneci for a research report. I was looking in the encyclopedia and came across this quote by Bella Karolyi about how he first found Nadia Comaneci. When I read it I instantly fell in love because that sounds exactly like me and one of my very best friends, Emma, who as little kids we choreographed our own floor routines and performed them for talent shows. Once we got asked who choreographed them for us and they where shocked when they found out we did it ourselves. Emma is now a Ballerina and I am a Gymnast so this is a really cool quote for me.

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