Monday, December 23, 2013

a brighter corner

This sad little blog has been neglected for over a year. My life, however, has gone on and I have not stopped writing entirely. I have continued my life story on my blog

I am still tumbling and enjoying my time as a coach. Someday I may return to this little corner of the internet, but for now I am exploring the realms of Feel my Sunlight and am content with staying there. See, Power Tumbling is just one piece of my life, and this blog only tells that part of the story, my other blog, however, tells the whole story.

I am sad to say this blog probably won't be continued much except for an occasional post here and there, or for the times I am having nostalgic moments and want to travel back through old tumbling thoughts and experiences. As for the future, follow me on Feel my Sunlight. It's a lot brighter there.
